I have been bummed about not getting to take this little guy's baby pictures. My stinkin' sister had to move all the way across the country a year ago and now I don't get to visit her very often. I kept telling her to fly me out for pictures...but she wasn't really up for that, I guess. ;)
Anywho. They couldn't stay away for long and while they were visiting this summer, I got to take their family pictures! I've been very excited to use them as my "dummies" to practice poses and such on- so it was a long, trying shoot, but I got some of my favorite pictures out of it! Let's just say that Gracey can be very difficult to photograph.... (see the end of the post for a few of her "best" faces...)
What a beautiful family especially with this new little guy- he is so perfect!
Although I love all the pictures I captured of this little diva....this is the REAL cutie. These faces are so typical for her and just crack me up!